Call for Posters for AHILA 2025,
Call for Full Papers for AHILA 2025, Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka, Zambia.

500+ Papers Expected
- Important dates for full papers:
The 18th Association for Health Information and Libraries in Africa (AHILA 2025), will be held at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka, Zambia from 30th September - 4th October, 2025. You are welcome to contribute PAPERS and POSTERS to the conference on the following themes:
Main Theme : Innovative digital technologies for universal access to health information
Sub Themes:
- Artificial intelligence and health information
- Open Access and health information
- Digital information and information equity
- Digital information in health emergencies
- Health information literacy and digital divide
- Innovative health information libraries and information centres
- Health information policy and advocacy
- Universal health information access and the SDGs
The conference and program chairs invite those working in these and other related areas to submit original research papers for review.
- Paper Submissions
Paper Submissions
/Full papers/
have at most 10 pages and report on mature work, or efforts that have reached an important milestone. They will get presentation slots of 15 to 20 minutes. Selected papers will be published as proceedings of the AHILA Conference.
All full papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Submission Guidelines
Abstracts for full papers and posters must be submitted via the AHILA 2025 Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) site:
All submissions must start by submitting an English extended abstract with a maximum of 800 words. The extended abstract should clearly deal with the problem/motivation/goal, the methodological approach, and anticipated results. The abstract MUST also include the title of the paper or poster, name(s) of the author(s), and full address information. For all formats, references do not count toward the page limit. Each submission will be reviewed in double-blind by at least two members of the program committee.
All submissions must start by submitting an English extended abstract with a maximum of 800 words. The extended abstract should clearly deal with the problem/motivation/goal, the methodological approach, and anticipated results. The abstract MUST also include the title of the paper or poster, name(s) of the author(s), and full address information. For all formats, references do not count toward theAll papers must be submitted via
Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit platform:
All AHILA 2025 conference papers, posters and presentations will be published as preceding of the AHILA 2025 Conference.
- Research Topics
List of Topics
Research on topics such as:
AHILA 2025 Local Conference Organising Committee
Submission inquiries: